cori's adventures of oral fun

my fun times (hopefully lasting less than 2 years) of the orthodontic and surgical correction of my open bite, crossbite and slight overjet. sickos! what did you think it was about???

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

day 15 - wednesday

today was a big day! today i played with a few friends of mine that i haven't played with since before surgery! mr. hairdryer and my contacts. why the big day? well i'm going out into the real world today. acutally did my hair, and wore my contacts! i could have worn my contacts a long time ago, but i haven't really had a reason to wear them around the house so i haven't put them in.

so off i went to dr. hobday (my ortho) today. he looked at my teeth, had my bite, told me things look good. so i guess that's good. then his assistant lori (who always takes care of me, i'm not sure if she likes me or if no one else likes me... i'm not that demanding...). anyway, she took off my surgical hooks!!! i don't think you people understand how freaking happy this makes me, these things have been driving me INSANE since the day they were put in, the 21st of june... i have had wax on them this entire time. gah! but now they are gone, and i am so happy.

after my ortho appt i visited my friend nicole at work. her work is very close to the ortho office i went to (not my normal office, this was the one REALLY far from me, but they could get me in at 3 pm, so i took it as opposed to 8 am at my normal office). nicole was impressed with how i looked and i liked that she introduced me to people as, "this is my friend cori". and didn't mention my surgery. that made me feel like i look somewhat normal as she didn't mention my surgery.

on my way home i stopped at the yarn cafe in maple grove, and then crafty planet near my house. yarn yarn and more yarn, yea!

i picked up jersey mike's for dinner to surprise ron, he LOVES jersey mike's. i had my own sandwich, i just scraped the yumminess out of my sandwich and choppied it. i even added some of the bread/sub and it worked out really well. YUM.

today was my last day of antibiotics, yea!!!


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