day 26 - sunday
i sneezed twice today, whoohoo! no issues, either time.
ron and i went up to FL today to visit my mom. didn't do much, just sat outside on the deck in the gorgousness of today. watched some peeps launch a hot air balloon at the park across the street (happens once every summer or two).
went grocery shopping, then came home and went for a walk. i did great, we did our 'normal' route and I wasn't even tired when we got home (the other day we did a modified walk and i was pooped!), yea me!
had a horrible dream last night! In it, I suddenly came to the realization that my teeth didn't fit into my splint anymore, my right side was hitting and my left wasn't even close (right now it is a perfect fit!). I was freaking out, so I called my OS. It was late on a Sunday night but I called his emergency number. When I talked to him though and told him what was going on, he said, "You wrecked it, you chewed. It's your fault." I freaked out of course, tried to explain that I haven't chewed ANYTHING but he would have nothing to do with me, he just said, "Nope, you wrecked it" and wouldn't listen to me, he just
kept yelling at me for chewing.
I was SO happy when I woke up and realized that I was dreaming and that my teethdo still fit together! I was crushed in my dream thinking that I would need surgery AGAIN! My OS is a great guy and has never yelled at me at all.
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